Thursday, 5 September 2013

Barbie on a Budget post poned...

Dear readers,

I am sorry to have to deprive you on a Thursday of your favourite article, Barbie on a Budget. I will hopefully get this up tomorrow.

Tonight I'm tired, I have a headache and I have just been told in politer words that I am deformed. But it's ok because this deformation is muscular and I can correct but I a very upset woman tonight... I started doing dead lifts at the gym to loose weight when a PT (Personal Trainer) first noticed my weak knee... so I stopped much to my disappointment... but in positive attitude I decided to try and do a 30 day squat challenge and to have my body fat and lean muscle measured... 

My body fat was always going to be a bitter one but everyone needs a starting point, I'm 22.6%. Anyway my nutrition and measurement session was soon monopolised by talk of my deformed muscles and I had quite an intense chat and have been told it would be unwise to do the 30 day squat challenge as it would increase my bodies lop-sidedness...

I'm sorry you probably really don't care... but I felt bad for not posting Barbie on a Budget! But I can' bring myself to do it... tonight it's just an evening of Breaking Bad, maybe something French and a lot of sleep...

Hope you all have better formed bodies than me...

Much love Princess Z xxx


  1. Hi! I've nominated you for the Liebster Award! Check it out here and send me the link when you've accepted so I can see your answers :) -
