Friday, 16 August 2013

Autum/Fall Nail Varnishes Collections: Which collections do you like?

This morning one of the first posts I read was  
where she show cased the Zoya Fall Cashmere Collection, and then I had complete Word Vomit in her comment box about the fall collections I had seen so far, what I rated, and what I didn't.
So I thought I would show everybody whats out there and hopefully hear other peoples opinions...

 The Zoya Fall Collection: Cashmere & PixieDust

(Unfortunately I can't afford to buy and swatch all of the fall collections... one day maybe!)

So the first picture is of the Cashmere Collection from Zoya which I absoloutley adore, and then second is the PixieDust Collection which has also been released for fall. I really do adore both sets... Gorgeous!

The Essie Fall Collection: For the Twill of It!

So don't get me wrong the colours are beautiful but... it reminds me of NYE rather than Autum... It would have been nice to have a couple more natural & neutral colours - I must be out of touch... 

The OPI Fall Collection: San Fransico
 I actually Really Like the San Francisco colours when I look at them again, it's got those Warm and Dark Tones that I think of when I think of Autum... and it's got textured polishes in the collection! (Isit sad that that fact excites me? About the textured polishes haha...)
Why doesn't Santa come once a season?

The China Glaze Fall Collection: Autum Nights
Eeee... I like this if you couldn't predict... So the top row is called Gossip over Gimlets and the bottom row is Stike Up a Cosmo.
Obviously with me being such a fuddy duddy I really Love the Gossip over Gimlets collection and the Deep Red and Green from the Strike Up Cosmo... I have seen these collections quite cheap online so... 
Watch Out September!

Anyway I have seen a few more collections rumoured for certain brands but these are the ones I'm certain of. Let me know what you think, and what you like as I am looking to do an
Autum GiveAway!

World Peace .\/..

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