Sunday, 11 August 2013

11th August - Sunday Experiments; Dotting, Gradients & Glitter!

Ok I really need to calm down on a Sunday, I just love messing about getting down and dirty with my nails polishes ;) haha! I have done three experiments today for your amusement. (I have also tried to take better piccies for you guys!)

1) So last Thursday...? I posted my first Barbie on a Budget article and I gave people alternatives to  Dotting Pens so I thought I may as well prove my point...

I started off with my Pins (stuck into rubber for finger safety). Tips: When applying your dots don't press the big pin all the way down this can leave you with no colour in the middle. It's all about control

(This is using random varnishes, please comment if you want to know about any specific colours!)

And last but not least the (dried up!) Pen Nib:

I'd say a successful experiment... :)

2) Grady baby!
Ok so thought I would mess about with gradients as I hadn't done any yet and this is another cheap, easy nail art effect.

So I had one completely failed attempt (far left...) but moving on swiftly, probably the easiest method is painting onto the Kitchen Sponge!
Just cut a bit bigger than your thumb nail (or largest nail), paint the colours in the order you want on to the sponge and dab away...

You can also paint the colours straight on and then use a clean bit of sponge to merge them, this method took 2 layers of paint...

Then I attempted a Glitter Gradient... I think I needed a lighter base colour, or a contrasting glitter for this to work properly (will do a follow up in the week or next Sunday).

I applied the glitter in 3 coats with different nail coverage from the tip 1 Quarter, Half, 3 Quarters.

3) Getting to the bottom of my glitter
When I was taking off my Perfectly Pink Mani I noticed that the glitter was coming up silver, so wanted to mess about with this effect. I have tried this with my 2 Barry M Glitters on a matching base coat and one without....

It's very subtle but if you want that slightly roughed up look I think this is definitely something to play about with.

Thank you for reading (if you got this far haha) I hope you have enjoyed it, please feel free to ask any comments, I love comments and followers.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!

World Peace .\/..


  1. I love your third experiment! and I also love your gradients :) great choice of colours!

    1. Thank you for the comment! :D

      I'm a bit obsessed with colour coordination haha x
