Sunday, 18 August 2013

18th August - Sunday Experiments - Lazy Sunday

Hi guys, hope you all had a Great Weekend!
I've been very Uninspired and catching up with family in the lounge (not my normal work station) so Apologies for the lack of Experiments, I have just messed about with some stamping for you guys to see this weekend...

I'm going to SW4 next weekend and wanted to come up with something Festivally... No success so far but I've just had a Brain Wave...

One idea was hot pink leopard on white and then I would fill the dots in with a neon colour.
Plate: Konad M57, Nail Art B Set
Varnishes: Base of Blanc - Essie, Stamp Dragon Fruit Gelly - Barry M
Comments: This didn't come out as bright as I wanted, but transfer was easy...
Varnishes: Base of Blanc - Essie, Stamp with Deep Plum - MUA
Comments: Had to attempt transfer a couple of times and the MUA Varnish had a very thin formula... 

Varnishes: Base of Blanc - Essie, Stamp with Chameleon Pink - Barry M
Comments: This was a tad dark, but it's colour change so? Transfer was alright...

Another idea was Neon Green with a white print over it...
Plate: BundleMonster - BM20
Varnishes: Base of LDE Neon Green - Barry M, Stamp with Konad White SNP
Comments: Liked this... but it was just a bit plain for a festival... 

This wasn't really for festival... inspired by my peacock phone cover I thought I'd give this a bash. 
Plate: Bundle Monster - BM15
Varnishes: Base of Blanc - Essie, Stamp with ?an old Blue - Barry M & Random bright colours...
Comments: This has got to be my Favourite of today... It didn't transfer perfectly (especially the head) but with a little bit more refining (or careful re-touching) could be done perfectly... really like this, not sure what colour I would do the other nails though... Suggestions?
Let me know if you have any suggestions or questions :)
World Peace .\/..


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