Hi girls (& guys?), if you like me suffer from
insufficent funds for luxurious nail brands
I've got it solved. Well
I haven't...
but I will be writing a post like this every week to help you
find bargains, point you in the direction of
good buys and let you know of any
cheap cheats.
Cheap Cheats
So dots are everywhere ATM and everyone is banging on about these dotting tools, but if you are strapped for cash there are a few cheap ways to do this
1. Old Pens - using the nib of an old pen (make sure it's out of ink) or even the cap (if it's closed).
2. Pins - Use the blunt end, you could even stick the sharp bit into a rubber to give you a bit more control and avoid any pricks! (If life was that simple)
3. Single Dotting Pen - So this does require spending, but at only $1.99 and with the $ in our favour you shouldn't notice much of a difference (apart from if your bank charges you?), you can pay by pay pal.
Bargain of the week:
Miss Sporty - 3 for 2 @ Superdrug.
For a starter Miss Sporty
cheap, you get a good amount of varnish in a bottle and have you seen
the colour range this summer? Easy to keep on trend! (?And yes no<-- wth?) With the 3 for 2
you are effectively getting 3 bottles of nail varnish for
Hello Bargain!

Bargain Buys:
@ Superdrug.com
Here are the other Nail polish deals on at Superdrug:
2 True - 3 for £5 (looks like it's across entire make up range.)
Barry M - 2 for £6 on nail effects
Bourjois - 3 for 2
L'oreal - 3 for 2
Revlon - 2 for £10
MaX Factor - 3 for 2 (also have mini bottles available which are obvs cheaper and still on deal, love the look of catcus)
Rimmel 60 Second - discounted from £3.69 to £2.19
Look - 2 for £6 (normally £5pb)
MUA - 2 for £5 on nail Effects
Miss Sporty - 3 for 2 (BUDGET BARBIES GET ON THIS!)
@ Boots.com
Bourjois - 3 for 2 on selected varnishes, or a free pair of Sunnies (online exclusive)
Barry M - Free Limited Ed Polish when you spend £6 (Boots LDE Pink is brighter than superdrugs, fact.)
The other deals are same, similar or better at Superdrug.
Treat of the week:
your looking to treat yourself to something a bit different I would go
for a holographic nail, which can be bought at the born pretty store
(picture I pulled from the website, I do not own); www.bornpretty.com
I hope people enjoyed this post, let me know if you have any questions
and if there is anything you'd like to see featured in Budget- Style.
World Peace .\/..