Monday, 10 February 2014

Monday Mani - Thought it was Wednesday

This picture doesn't do my mani any justice, it's lovely and happy and just what you need at the start of a busy week.

So not with it I was about to label this mid-week mani!

Read on to find out what I've used...
I have used a base coat of Barry M Cosmo Berry, just one as I was using glitters ontop.
Also when I have used two coats this has gone really purple and I wanted to eave a hint of red tonight.
I have stupidly vowed to myself to not buy new varnishes to March OMG dying.

Anyway I then did a coat of Barry M Purple Glitter on my little/ring/thumb nails and used one of the Barry M Christmas 13 LDE's on my middle and index.

Not too brash and not too dull.
What are your colours atm? 

Peace and love The Pink_PrincessZ .\/... 


  1. Brilliant colour combination on these nails, I nominated you for the Liebster blog award in my last blog post! Well done! :)
