Sunday, 29 December 2013

Invouge Liquid Metal Effect

 So this was another polish from my Invogue set.
I actually love Teally/turquoise/green and blue colours, I like a lot of colours and this is no exception.
I think it looks beautiful, rich and very shiney indeed.
I was a bit of a naughty girl and didn't Prep my Nails Before This Manicure (as in file/buff/smooth) and it has shown my natural ridges - so something to be mindful of but this goes for most shiney varnishes x
I also did the overnight test again to see if there as any chipping...
There were a few bits but not like with the suede and with this effect I'm pretty sure a normal topcoat would do the trick.
Have you used invogue before? What are your thoughts x

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Invouge Suede Matte Effect & Christmas Goodies

This is quick review of one of my Christmas Polishes.
The Application was really easy and it seems to Dry Very Quickly, I did a second coat as it seemed a bit a little bit gappy with one layer.

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!

Just because I haven't posted for ages I thought I'd let you konow what I got for Christmas/what you can expect to see appearing on the blog! (When I get back into it).

I didn't get as much varnish as I was expecting but I still got a pretty good haul! Here's the list:
From my Bro and his Gf I got:
 x2 Top Shop Varnish,
x2 Nail art packs with glitter and gems and stick-ons
x2 No7 Varnishes.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Barry M - Superdrug LDE Pink Sparkles Swatch.

To begin with I had been using this as a top coat/ over coat.
Don't bother.
The more you layer it up by itself the prettier it look!
I have taken a deliberately out of focus picture as the holo shows up much more!
Slightly obsessed with it because it's soooo sparkly, had quite a few compliments on these bad boys!
Peace and Love xx

Saturday, 23 November 2013

5 Designs for Under a Fiver!

 I love nail art.
And good nail art doesn't have to be complicated or tricky - it can be Messy but that's Half the Fun.
So I wanted to do 5 Designs that Any Student Could Afford.
The most expensive design out of the 5 costs £3; £2 for 2 varnish colours (I used MUA available at superdrug or Poundland sale nail varnishes), £1 for a stamping plate from Poundland.
For a Gradient you need a kitchen sponge...

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Moon Sugar Decals: Cute designs, Easy Application!

A few weeks ago I was contacted by Moon Sugar Decals over in America to try out some of their goodies.
They specialise in  water decals  and have a loads of different topics on the website - they can even do Custom Designs!
Me being me of course I ordered the Christmas Goodies...

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

The Awesome Christmas Clutch Breakdown...

There are only 9 Days Left to enter.
And there are so many ways to get extra entries, you just need to spread the word! And I have made some improvements this evening...
The Essie collection at my local store is... Limited but I have ordered online tonight some Improvements in my opinion. 
Instead of getting Barry M Gold - You will now be getting Essie Good as Gold
 (If you're the lucky winner).

Instead of Barry M Gold you will get Essie Good as Gold.

Instead of Stylenomics (which is a very dark green) there is Mojitos.  
Essie Licorice, Blanc and Russian Roulette are also included. 
And of course some stamping tools to use with the MoYou plate.
Don't forget to enter and share with you friends.
Good Luck!
Peace and Love xx

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Stamping: A Quick How To Guide

Alot of people ask me how stamping works when they haven't done it before or haven't used a MoYou plate.

You should have a stamping plate, stamper, special polish, scrapper, nail varnish remover, cotton ball and cotton bud with nail varnish remover on; then follow this sequence:

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Under the Sea.... Where it's just you and.... Barry M Teal - Review!

Ahhh I love this Teal from Barry M, sort of reminds me of Ariel from Little Mermaid.
This was after 2 coats, using Konad White Special Polish and my MoYou plate.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Review of Barry M Grey - Seriously Underrated

Grey is such an Underrated Colour, so it's not the most fun or the most Barbie etc. but it's great for this time of year - even if it's just for the nail art detail. It's dark but soft and fairly neutral.

The first coat was a lot Less Patchy than the other Barry M's I picked up this weekend, but everything looks better with 2 coats...

Monday, 11 November 2013

Barry M Swatch - Cosmo Berry - Mmmmm....

Before you say anything... I know I need a Light Box, I have asked for one for Christmas, only like 54 days to go or something.
Anyway this is Barry M Cosmo Berry 1 layer:
This first layer was a bit patchy after using the thick Essie Brushes it was weird to use a thinner brush!

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Stamping Plate Review: MoYou Suki Colletion 01 Nom... Nom... Nom...

The amount of people commenting on my nails this week says it all.
This is the MoYou Suki Collection 01 Plate.
After every mani this week I have tried to stamp different bits of the plate - some more successfully than others due to the cack-handiness of my left hand (don't worry I only did this once!).

Poundland Stamping Kit Review - Bargain!!!

So earlier today I had to nip into Poundland for Operation Christmas Child and I spotted a wide variety of nail things I wanted to buy but settled for these two...

Stamping plate and 3d bling (best way I could think of describing it)!

Here is the review of the Stamping Kit...

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Essies After School Boy Blazer

I picked this out as the new posh midnight blue for my polish collection and it's darker than expected.

It's black with a tone of blue but a bit darker than I was expecting.
My application is 2 layers, it had a few bobbles in, not sure why... I think I'm gunna try it out on some falsies!

Hate to say I'm not as sold on this as I am on Jam n Jelly and I do love a dark blue. Do you have any suggestions?

Love n Peace

Monday, 4 November 2013

Essie Essie Essie - Jam N Jelly Review

OK so while there was the 3 for 2 Offer on at SuperDrug I got myself a couple of Essie Polishes and the rest went into The Awesome Christmas Clutch (Go enter if you haven't already!).
This is Jam n Jelly. It's a New Fave of mine. Although it was a Tough Choice picking out of all the pinks that Essie have...

Sunday, 3 November 2013

The Awesome Christmas Clutch!

Go Go Go Ladies & Gents!

You now have till the 29th of November to enter the raffle for this Awesome Christmas Clutch:

a Rafflecopter giveaway
It includes:
1x MoYou Festive Plate
1x Stamping Rubber and Scraper (With 2 sizes)
1x Essie Blanc
1x Essie Liquorice
1x Essie Mojito
1x Essie Russian Roulette
1x Essie Good as Gold

This is a UK giveaway sorry to anyone overseas and best of luck to anyone who enters!

Love and Peace .\/..

Sorry for being quiet but....

3 for 2 on all cosmetics... that means 3 bottles of Essie for £16! and 10 points per pound you spend. So 3 bottles of Essie would give you points worth £1.60. Sorry I Get exited!
Anyway news: My first MoYou plate arrived OMG so excited - I don't have enough nails and if I wasn't suppose to be seeing the hair dresser today I would definitely be attacking everyone's nails at home!
More News: I'm having my first ever give away worth over £40...

Friday, 25 October 2013

BNB: Breast Cancer Awareness - Day 5, Manicure 5

Last but not least a little bit of love
a Big thank you to Pish Posh and Polish and Nail Parade who have helped organise this fantastic week!
Click below for another pic and for links to the other lovely ladies who have taken part! 

Thursday, 24 October 2013

BNB: Breast Cancer Awareness - Day 4, Manicure 4

So my boyfriend helped me with design, very cutesy!
Click below for another pic and a link to all the other participating blogs...

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

BNB: Breast Cancer Awareness - Day 3, Manicure 3

These are the other lovely ladies taking part in this awareness week very jel of some of the manicures have come out this - perfect for a Pink Princess!
Breast Cancer Awareness Nail-Supporters
Pish Posh and Polish
Pish Posh and Polish
Nail Parade!
Nail Parade
No More Nail Polish Mum!
No More Nail Polish Mum!
Monkey Nails
Monkey Nails
Emma's Little Corner
Emma's Little Corner
The Pink PrincessZ
The Pink PrincessZ
Life in Lacquer
Life in Lacquer
Neon Sparkly Nails
Neon Sparkly Nails
Click below to see what I did for my manicure today...
(P.S if you like dot's you'll love this)

BNB: Breast Cancer Awareness - Day 2, Manicure 2

So this is my day 2 manicure (better late than never!)...
Click below for another pic and links to all the lovely British Nail Bloggers Taking Part!

Barry M 3 for £6

Last night I went to one of the big local tescos and Barry M was 3 for £6 - bare in mind it's not on 3 for 2 at Boots or Super drug at the moment...
Below is the Super drug limited edition "dust" which has gold and rose gold flecks. Not my normal style but nice for autumn and I'm now on a mission to collect the LDES!

Monday, 21 October 2013

BNB: Breast Cancer Awareness - 1st Day

Some of the ladies from the British Nail Bloggers are doing 5 days 5 manicures to help raise awareness for Breast Cancer as October is the awareness month! (My inlinkz will be up tomorrow)
So this is my Breast Cancer awareness Dotticure...

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Barbie on a Budget: Cheap Cheats, UK Bargain Buys and Treat of the Week.


Cheap Cheats

So this isn't the cheapest cheat in the world but is considerably cheaper than going out and buying different Matte Colour Varnishes.
Get a Matte Varnish!
You're not restricted colour wise and you can turn any colour in your collection matte. I love my matte polish and I've already done some experiments and designs with it!
There should be some more experiments this Sunday so keep your eyes peeled!
I recommend Matte About You - Essie £7.99 @ Superdrug.


Bargain of the week:
Maybelline  -  3 for £7 @ Boots

This is by far the Best Bargain of the week... in my eyes - the deal on 17 is good, but I swear the pots are smaller? And Maybelline is still cheaper!

Bargain Buys:
Barry M Website has 30% off till Saturday Night!

Models Own -B1G11/2price
L'Oreal - B1G11/2price
Maybelline - B1G11/2price
Rimmel - 3 for 2
2 True - 3 for £5
Oh My Gosh (GOSH minis) - 3 for £5
Bourjois - 2 for £7
Beauty UK - 2 for £5
Accessorize - 2 for £5
Make Up Academy - 2 for £5
Max Factor - Saving available
Sally Hansen- Saving available
Revlon - Saving available
B. - Saving available


Maybelline - 3 for £7
Bourjois - 2 for £7
Rimmel - 2 for £5
Seventeen - 3 for £10
Selected Miss Sporty - 2 for £3
Select Max Factor - 3 for 2
Selected Maybelline - 3 for 2
Barry M - Free Gift*
Models Own - Free Gift*
No 7 - Free Gift*
Rimmel - Free Gift*
Selected Revlon - Save £2

Treat of the week:

Barry M Limited Edition - £3.99 @ Boots & Superdrug 
I couldn't find a picture but I think there are 4 Limited editions this winter - Diamond Glitter, Gold Dust and a couple of others - I will be showing one on my blog this weekend/very soon so keep your eyes peeled.

Hope you Enjoyed this post again!
Let me know if you have any questions and if there is anything you'd like to see featured in Budget- Style.

World Peace .\/..